Four Genres: Fiction, Poetry, Nonsense, and Blogging


Writing fiction is hard work, and writing poetry is even harder, requiring skills and craftsmanship that I’ve never mastered. So I don’t write them.

Another reason for my not writing them is that after all that work you end up with just a few pages, or in the case of poetry, a few lines. Writing the nonsense I write takes long enough as it is, but after three or four hours I have 500 words and I’m done! I can “publish” it! I can move on!

Then there is the fourth kind of writing, the run-at-the-mouth stuff that is so delightful if it’s done right by bloggers who are enthusiastic, entertaining, and just plain fun to read.

My personal favorite WordPress blogsites in these four genres are:

Soaring Dragons: nonsense
 Splodin’ Pandas has announced that it will become a weekly blog appearing on Hump Day rather than continuing as a daily. When Graham asked what readers thought of this I wrote:

I am bummed out. I routinely check five blogs and yours is the only one that is there every day.

But I’ve often wanted to ask you–and I think I did in a previous comment–how you find time to write daily posts and blow the tuba. If your decision to hump posts once a week on Wednesday is based on time constraints, then by all means once a week is plenty.

However, notwithstanding that “…it’s quite hard to come up with something to write about every single day [and you] feel like a lot of [your] posts are starting to look like one another,” if you do have the time and the energy to blog daily, then I encourage you to do so. The appeal of Splodin’ Pandas is not the “topics” you write about, but rather the exuberance with which you tell us about your world, even if it’s only the weird taste of your toothpaste this morning. The appeal is you.

Is there some way to hook your tuba up to the keyboard so that it sympathetically vibrates with the oom-pahs and all you’d have to do is hit the “publish” button? If not, once a week, seven days a week, either will be fine. See you in cyberspace.

P.S. When two bloggers say they “like” your post announcing the change, does that mean they prefer Splodin’ Hump Days?


About soaringdragons

Twenty years and still alive--in China, that is. I write about China and the world of spirit--all very non-expertly--and whatever else strikes my fancy. You'll find posts on even days of the month.
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5 Responses to Four Genres: Fiction, Poetry, Nonsense, and Blogging

  1. Gemma Sidney says:

    Thanks for the mention 🙂

  2. soaringdragons says:

    My pleasure, you deserve it. I’m still awed by your short short story “Cotton Wool”–

  3. chris says:

    Thanks for listing me. During this month of May, I’ve been trying to put up a new poem every day, but I think I’ve missed two. In June, I’ll take part in the River of Stones, (#aros on Twitter) so you should find at least one new “stone” on the blog every day. After that, well, we shall see. Probably a mixture of poetry, fiction and non-fiction, appearing every few days, like before.

    I enjoy your blog and ideas too. Love that fantastic sky photo that welcomes me when I arrive here.

    • soaringdragons says:

      Thanks for your thoughts. I’m impressed by people who can share something on a daily or near daily basis. I drop by to read most days and look forward to what you’ll be posting. Cheers!

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